The Why’s and How’s of walking meetings

Deel van een artikel van Andy Nelson op, juni 2016

The Why’s and How’s of Walking Meetings

How many times have you or your employees dreaded having to go to a meeting? Have you ever not looked forward to sitting at the same conference table or sitting in the same office you have for hundreds of other meetings?

This could become a problem of the past with one of the growing trends in business: walking meetings. This type of meeting is exactly as it sounds. Instead of having a meeting in the usual office setting, the meeting takes place while walking.

Other than a change in location there are many other benefits to getting out of the office and taking a walk.

The Why’s

  • Improve employee health
  • Increase creativity
  • Break down barriers
  • Energize and engage employees
  • Encourage communication

Lees een toelichting op deze punten in het originele artikel.

The How’s

  • Have a purpose and structure
  • Know your meeting
  • Keep the size in mind
  • Prepare and plan according to the group
  • Define the destination
  • Assign roles

Lees een toelichting op deze punten in het originele artikel.

Walking meetings may need a bit more organization since there are more factors involved by being outside. Researchers at the University of California – Riverside found that this can be done by assigning roles to different members of the group.

  • The Leader – Helps to keep the group focused on the agenda and facilitates the process.
  • The Guide – Knows the route and gives the group directions along the way, lets people know about possible safety concerns, and provides other routes if necessary.
  • The Scribe – Takes notes and suggests breaks when important things need to be written down.

Have fun

Maybe this goes without saying, but make sure to still have fun while outside for the walk. Doing work while outside can be a very enjoyable experience. Don’t take it so seriously that employees aren’t willing to try it again.

With a little planning and at basically no additional cost a walking meeting can produce significant gains in many aspects of an organization. Happier employees and happier employers make for a more productive organization. Why not try out a walking meeting to walk and talk your way to success.

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