The link between being unhappy at work and your health

Post van Ravi Letzter op, september 2016. The way to beat the mental and physical ravages of hating your job, is to make moves to put yourself in a more personally satisfying position.

The link between being unhappy at work and your health

Looking for a reason to change careers? Here’s a good one: Hating your job is linked to health problems, even for people as young as 40. That’s according to a new study due to be presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. Researchers showed that Americans who spend the early parts of their careers unhappy tend to develop more health problems than those who spend the early parts of their careers satisfied.

Ohio State sociologists examined data about 6,432 participants in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLYS), which tracks outcomes for people who were between 14 and 22 when it began in 1979.The NLYS asks its participants to regularly rate their job satisfaction on a scale of one to four.


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